4.69.31 - Profit and Loss Report


We're excited to unveil a valuable new addition to your reporting arsenal: the Profit & Loss (P&L) report.

This advanced report empowers you to track your income and expenses throughout a financial year, providing a comprehensive financial health check similar to the Income Statement Reports found in accounting software.

With the P&L report, you can:

  • Gain a clear picture of your profitability: See how your income revenue compares to your accrued expenses over a year.

  • Make informed business decisions: Analyze your financial performance and identify areas for optimization.

  • Simplify financial reporting: Get a consolidated view of your financials, resembling standard accounting reports.

Get Started Today!

For a detailed breakdown of the P&L report's functionalities, refer to the guide linked below.

We believe this new report will be a game-changer for your financial analysis and decision-making.

Behind the Scenes Improvements ⚡

To provide you with the fastest and most efficient P&L report experience, we've made some significant changes under the hood:

  • Optimized Database Structure:

    We've added dedicated tables for loan transactions, journaled receipts, written-off receipts, and general transactions to the reporting server. This streamlined structure ensures faster report generation.

  • Enhanced Archiving:

    Our archiving process has been meticulously adjusted to guarantee all transactions, from the current and previous financial years, are accurately reflected in your P&L reports.

  • Scheduled MySQL Report Generation:

    We've implemented optimized scheduled tasks that group specific transactions for faster processing. These tasks include:

    • pl_loan_transaction.sql: Groups loan transactions for expedited processing.

    • pl_journal_instalment_receipt.sql: Groups actual journaled loan receipts for increased efficiency.

    • pl_writeoff_instalment_receipt.sql: Groups balances of written-off loan amounts for quicker processing.

    • pl_transaction.sql: Groups purchase, sale, and commission transactions for faster report generation.

Last updated