4.69.30 - Enhanced Debit Order Rights
2024 -04-18
We've enhanced the access control over which actions may be performed when creating / editing an active promissory.
The table below outlines the rights that may be find in Setup >> Role >> Transaction Rights
Right | Description |
Suspend or activate promissory | The ability to temporarily pause or restart a series of scheduled debit orders. |
Cancel any promissory | The ability to permanently stop a series of scheduled debit orders. |
Split initial promissory | The ability to divide an initial debit order amount into multiple installments. |
Edit promissory repayment type | The ability to change the way a series of debit orders are repaid. |
Edit promissory bank account | The ability to change the bank account from which a series of debit orders are drawn. |
Edit promissory first debit date | The ability to change the start date for a series of debit orders. |
Edit promissory periods | The ability to change the frequency of debit orders in a series (e.g., monthly to weekly). |
Edit promissory installment frequency | The ability to change how often installments are paid within a series of debit orders. |
Edit promissory collection day rule | The ability to define the specific day of the month when debit orders in a series are collected. |
Edit promissory date adjustment rule | Potentially the ability to define how the due date is adjusted for weekends or holidays (specific functionality may vary). |
Edit installment date | The ability to change the due date of a specific debit order within a series. |
Edit installment amount | The ability to change the amount of a specific debit order within a series. |
Edit tracking days | Potentially the ability to define a buffer period between the notification of a debit order and its collection (specific functionality may vary). |
Suspend installment | The ability to temporarily pause a specific debit order within a series. |
Add new installment | The ability to add an additional instalment |
Create an RMS transaction | Register Mandate for failed authentications. |
Last updated